You should also notice that if you try to toggle the CloseToggle button, that it works. Essentially, it's if ? do this : else do this. And if it is not true, just like an if else statement, we're going to render whatever is on the right side of the. If the navToggle state is indeed true, we're then going to render whatever is on the right side of the ?. In this case, we're looking to see if the NavToggled state is true. We're looking to see if the value of what's on the left of the ? is true. Here we are saying, if the navToggle state is true ? render : if its not, then return null. Let's fix that by dynamically rendering our Menu component by using a ternary operator. That's because back in App.js we are forcing the render of our Menu component, no matter the state. You'll notice if you click the CloseToggle button, nothing is happening.
#Appjs next keyboard button install#
Install react-router-dom into our project.Don't forget to change the appropriate page name in Heading component. The HomePage, ExamplePage and ContactPage should all share the same layout and styled-components. Make sure to import styled-components in each of our three pages like so: import styled from styled-components. If you are using NPM use this command: npm install -save styled-components. I prefer using Yarn package manager, so to install styled-components run this command: yarn add styled-components. Your HomePage.js, ExamplePage.js, and ContactPage.js should now look like this. Inside the pages folder include 3 files: HomePage.js, ExamplePage.js, ContactPage.js. Inside the components folder include 2 files: Menu.js and Toggle.js.

App css selector with min-height: 100vh, background-color: #282c34, and position: relativeĬreate a components folder and a pages folder.

Remove everything inside of App.css leaving only the. I also remove everything in App.js other than App.css.
#Appjs next keyboard button code#
Remove the create-react-app pre-loaded files and don't forget to remove the lines of code related to testing in index.js.

Things I'll assume you have some knowledge of Let's just get right into it D: Check Out The Demo! The Repo This may not be the most advanced React Nav, or showcase best practices, but it will get you up and running in no time! And let's use style-components while we're at it! 🔥 Building a React Menu does't have to be daunting.